
Showing posts from September, 2023

More fall😘

oh, the bliss of fall --- golden sunsets over warm autumn leaves, watching Harry Potter in comfy clothes with a cosy blanket, sipping tea while I work on school 😌

Harry Potter fanfiction announcement!!

I've been formulating this Harry Potter fanfic in my head for like, a year now, maybe longer. What started out as a short story has now grown into an intricate plot longer than the og harry potter series. I'm planning to write seven, perhaps even eight, of my own novels, plenty thick. The probelm? Getting started. I've wrote the first half of the first book a dozen times already, and I can't get it right. I started again yesterday, though, with eleven-year-old Emma Blackthorne, and I think this time might actually be the one. I hope. hehe. Well, I won't spoil my book, but it's centered around this girl, Emma Blackthorne, who is a Seer like Pr. Trelawney, but way more powerful. We'll see where it goes :) I doubt I'll post chapters on here as they come out, but I'll definitely keep ya'll updated on her story as it progresses and once book one is finished, I'll start a fanfiction account, and I'll share the link on here, so be ready for that...

fall photoshoot✨

now i'm soaking up fall f'real πŸ‚ wow is this a link I'm either in love with fall, or my extra-toasty rip-off cheez-its.

Mother daughter retreat 🌺 (actual post)

Wow wow it was so great to get away and have a weekend with my mom and two sisters!! I enjoyed actually getting to attend chapel bc usually i'm working during the chapels. There was good times all around and I always have fun with weekend camps. Cookie decorating, board games, archery and riflery, chapels, great food, and spending time with family and friends. I loved this weekend so much, what a great time, thanks Lake Lundgren! Until next time!!
Good times with a good friend!!! Fall themed sleepover featuring board games, girl talk, spider-man, coffee, thrift shopping, and overall a pretty dope time! Sleepover with this girlie! fall themed πŸ‚☕🌻 munchies πŸ˜‹ the coffin sheets πŸ˜‚ i wish i could do that... nobody ordered this haha it's from pinterest thrift shopping with the starbies ⭐☕ a fit....? didn't get the shirt tho I couldn't afford the dress but it was sooo pretty, also lady waiting in line next to me was super sweetπŸ₯° i believe i am eating jaala's hat πŸ€ͺ

Mother daughter retreat 🌺 (pictures)

the drive! gettin' on me shoes in me squeaky bunk, cupcake competition, (i obviously won) evil cat, evil cat and evil me, elaina didn't think I was taking a picture, our cabin, go away, aww aren't we cute, mother daughter picture, fancy dinner that i lowkey hated bc i don't like other people serving me, chapel!! Yes that is the back of my head it is unfortunate :(  

ASOUE S1E7 Plot Twist Got me saadd😭

So I've been watching through a series of unfortunate events (ASOUE for short), and in episode 7, the second to last of the season, they drop a plot twist that broke my heeaarrtt. It gives you the feels because in the beginning of the show, they warn you nothing good happens to the Baudelaire's, and we should just look away. We know their parents are dead, supposedly, but through a series of end scenes and eventually just scenes intertwined in the Baudelaire's own story, we meet the "mother" and "father" (as the credits name them). We are led to believe that these are their parents, still alive, and although Violet, Klaus, and Sunny have conversations about missing their parents, we remain hopeful for their inevitable return. We see some pretty cool build-up scenes with the parents, showing they are good fighters, so we know the Baudelaire's will finally be safe. But alas... in episode 7, after much build-up and anticipation, the parents and the Baud...

Into the Spider-verse: Forshadowing? (spoilers for Across the spider-verse ahead!)

another potential easter egg from into the spider-verse... forshadowing into across the spiderverse. LOOK AT THE COLOURING TELL ME THAT'S NOT FORSHADOWING, Miles' spider-sense is the coloring of the Prowler. We know from Across the Spider-verse that Miles was meant to become the Prowler... at least, he is in earth 42. I'm guessing when they wrote the first spider-verse movie, they had already decided some of the second one, so most likely, this was forshadowing!!

Earth 42 Easter Egg

So I was watching Across the Spider-verse yesterday, and during the scene where Miles is captured by earth 42 Unlce Aaron and tied up, I caught a glimpse of something. I rewatched it today and I caught it again, confirming my suspicions... behind uncle Aaron is some kind of jar with the numbers "42" on it. Either this is just part of the art... or earth 42 Aaron knows about the multiverse and their place in it.  This would actually make sense. Earth 42 Aaron figured out that Miels wasn't his Miles pretty fast. If he was already aware of the spider-verse, to some degree at least, he would've been expecting someone to show up eventually. Idk, what do you think? Maybe we'll find out in the next movie, Beyond the Spider-verse! Look carefully... do you see the 42?🀯

How are you spending eternity?

"If we exist forever on the other side of the grave, and if our choices on this side determine how we spend eternity, then it's vitally important for us to investigate these questions here on earth." -I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Aetheist by Normal L. Geisler and Frank Turek. This is what I've never known how to put into words. This is, essentially, our main purpose. To decide whether we're going to spend our much shorter period of time alive to serve ourselves and our sinful nature, leading godless and corrupt lives, and end up in a torturous eternity in hell, or if we're going to spend our lives serving the one true God that doesn't change and doesn't end and end up in paradise with Him. And, of course, which way are we going to lead others? Don't waste your life. It's never too late to give your life to God, as he takes you as you are. Live for Him because you can. You'll have to give up a lot, but to pick up your cross and ...

1 Sammy 2:2

“There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God. 1 Samuel 2:2 NIV