
Showing posts from December, 2023

family Christmas

Twas real foggy this mornin' on our way to family christmas. it's always so fun to go to my grandparents house and gather with family πŸ’› got my bootses on  

finally started that YouTube channel...

 Hi guys, sorry i haven't been posting much, I finally started my YouTube channel and I've been focusing on that.. although all my followers on here are the same ones on YoutTube, so ya'll already know that lol. But in case you're from elsewhere... here's my channel, please subscribe lol


 i didn't have time to post this weekend, but it was a good one!! homeschool christmas party was a ton of fun on Friday night! I got this hat lol. then I watched iron man 3 with Elaina, and you can't tell me it's not a christmas movie πŸ™„ then I went to Ruthie's new place near Sheyboygan to hang out with her, Hannah and Rayna and help Ruthie move in. this is me being a loony on the way there and I actually didn't burn these🀯 christmas light show!! then we decorated ruthie's place with christmas lights and made it cosy. what a cutie😘


i didn't know i was capable of such aestheticness✨  

sky pics

this is the world the Lord made, i will rejoice and be glad in it πŸ’›  

christmas shopping at the mall πŸŽ„

tehe i just watched that on sunday night... i wish i coulda got this for my steampunk movie! favorite scents>>>> and this hat... i'm just in love with the color and everything and it reminds me of camp.  

so I'm making a movie...

 a sneak peak into the first production of my steampunk movie... ya'll this is my first ever movie with a script(not improv basically) so wish me luck, I'm super excited!

dress up time

 found some old dresses in the attic....(kidding it was the basement) I usually hate myself in red but i don't mind these ones so much.. and... teaser alert... I'm starting a steampunk short film, maybe featuring these dresses and these gals... so stay tuned. :)