
Showing posts from October, 2023

maintenance weekend

 GUYS IT'S SNOWING OUTSIDE!!!!!! anyway lol... maintenance weekend. it was great to  be able to serve the Lord in a new position! We sanded the handicap walkway for the first half of Saturday... to make sure the bricks stay in place and all that. Then we went through the woods and gathered up fallen tree branches and all that good stuff. It was a pretty good time. Then we just chilled around (literally, it was cold lol) And Sarturday was Sam's birthday!! Sunday we were put on custodial. After camp ended, I finally got to stay and hang out afetrwards which was such a vibe. We talked for a bit and then made cookies/cookie dough and then watched a movie and then we had to go home, but that took us like four hours lol. So yes, awesome weekend! Next weekend: taekwondo tournament and the fall dance 😬

little update

 y'all, I'm heading to camp at this moment. I'm excited to serve God on maintenance this weekend! I won't be able to post much this weekend most likely, but I will keep you updated and probably have a lot to say when I get back. Also sorry I haven't been posting much, life's been pretty hectic. Lots of school and taekwondo (tournament on the 4th 😱) and other stuffs. I've been looking forward for a break from it all... But most of all I'm excited to celebrate my bestie's un-childing!! Love you Sam 😘 crazy you're turning 18 tomorrow and I'm soooo glad I'll be there to celebrate with you! 🫢🏽✨πŸ₯ΊπŸ€Ž

the aesthetics of life ig

 pajamies and puppies

90's vibesπŸ˜ŽπŸ˜‹

good time with these galsπŸ–€πŸ€Ž  

✨the weekendπŸ•

whaa i did slides for church lol it was mildly petrifying welcoming team meeting #1 on Saturday was a vibe, making happy birthday cards for the kids in our youth group! Those are the ones we made ^ praise God for the opportunity to gather freely to love one another in this way 🀎

Inuyasha fanart!!!

 my first Inuyasha fanart! took some of these pics in purple lighting, hence the tint, so don't mind that, it makes it look more.... dramatic ✨

ok then....

  I'm picking up a new hobby ya'll

fall ain't failin

  lol my neighbors think i'm weird taking pictures all the time... legit some of them were looking at me funny 😭

Pray for Israel

Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When the LORD restores his people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad! -Psalm 14:7