A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

 I fell in love with Star Wars a long time ago(in a galaxy far far away). I think I was like, 7 or something. My parents showed me the originals, and neither of them cared for it. So I was too shy to say it, but I loved them, and I was counting down the days till I could ask to watch it again. All my barbies found themselves dressed up as Star Wars characters and part of my eleborate Star Wars stories.

lol why does this look like it could be an album cover?

Then, a long time later, my youth group was having a movie night to celebrate Star Wars day on May 5th of 2022. They were going to watch the Rise of Skywalker — the last Star Wars movie. So I had a lot of catching up to do.

I watched the Force Awakens on May 3rd, and I really liked it. But I wouldn't say I had fallen in love with it yet. The next day, May 4th, was when it sunk in how much I loved it. I remember sitting there watching the scene where Ben and Rey touch hands and knew that this was my new 'big thing'. My new favorite fandom.

Crazily, this is still my favorite fandom. For a while there, every time I'd fall in love with a new world, it would become my new favorite. But I think Star Wars is here to stay as #1.

I'm so happy I fell in love with it on May 4th, how perfect... and I just had my one year anniversary of falling in love with Star Wars ;)

So anyway, here are some pictures I took last night. I thought they would be cool in the pitch black with my lightsaber. Tbh I would have a blue lightsaber should I actually be a Jedi, but Yoda's green lightsaber was the nicest quality cheaper one.

And in case you are wondering, yes, I'm the kind of person to seemingly waste $400 on a lightsaber :)

So by the way, probably most of my posts from now on will be about God, travel, or movies, primarily because that's just the kind of blog I'm aiming to start here. We'll see how that goes, I might eventually come back to posting my cat, but for now, I'm gonna gear more towards something else.


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